Woman's Enemy Is a Woman(नारीको शत्रु नारी नै हो)

This is the story of the participant, whose life has been disturbed due to the arrival of another woman in the life of her husband. She felt that woman did some black magic on her husband that is why he did not love her. No matter whether her husband love her or not but she is standing strong. She doesn’t have anger towards anybody and has found happiness in small things. She doesn’t wish any bad for anybody. Everybody used to say that a woman ruins the life of a woman, and this thing became real in her life. But still, she wishes everything will be back to normal and those dark day will come to end.

यो त्यो सहभागीको कथा हो जसको श्रीमान्को जीवनमा अर्को महिलाको आगमानले अस्तव्यस्त भएको छ । त्यो अर्को महिलाले उनको श्रीमान्लाई कालो जादू गरेको भएर उनको श्रीमान्ले उनलाई माया नगरेको जस्तो उनलाई लाग्थ्यो । उनको श्रीमान्ले उनलाई माया नगरे पनि उनी स्ट्रङ ९कतचयलन० भएर उभिरहेकी छिन् । कोहि माथि पनि उनलाई रिस उठेको छैन र उनले सानो कुरामा पनि खुसी पाउन सिकिसकेकी छिन् । उनी कसैको पनि नराम्रो कामना गर्दैनन् । नारी नै नारीको शत्रु हो भन्थे सबैले र यो कुरा उनको जीवनमा सत्य हुन गयो । उनको जीवनमा सबै कुरा सामान्य होस् भन्ने उनको इच्छा छ र ती कालो दिन उनको जीवनबाट हतोस् भन्ने इच्छा छ ।