My Broken Heart (मेरो टुक्रेको मुटु)
One of the participant was depressed due to her husband death due to COVID and kidney failure. She had lost her father in small age, experienced lots of starvation emotionally and financially. Her husband was a substance abuser and was violent physically as well mentally. None of her family members supportive her. She has one daughter. They used to say that her daughter will not get any inheritance because she was a woman. Because of this she used to be stress all the time. Because of her past bad experiences with people, she couldn’t trust new people and didn’t want to participate in these sessions. After the encouragement from facilitators, she participated in the sessions. Once she became comfortable, she shared her stories. The facilitator stayed and supported her throughout the session and after the session too. In the beginning her fingers were shaking and stitching and sewing was not clear. But in the end of the session she able to sew her story and she also looked confident.
मृगौला खराबी र कोरोनाको कारण आÏनो श्रीमान्को मृत्यु भएका कारण एक जना सहभागी डिप्रेसड भएको थियो । उनले सानो उमेरमा नै आÏनो बुवा गुमाउनु भएको थियो । उनको श्रीमान्ले यौन दृव्र्यवहार गथ्र्यो र शारीरिक र मानसिक तनाव दिन्थ्यो । उनको परिवारको कुनै पनि सदस्यले उनलाई साथ दिदैँनथ्यो । उनको एकजना मात्र छोरी छ । तर केटी भएकोले आÏनो बुवाको सम्पत्तिमा उनको केही हक छैन र उनले केही पनि पाउँदैन भनेकोले उनलाई धेरै तनाव थियो । पहिले भेटेको मानिसहरूसँगको नराम्रो अनुभवले गर्दा उनले नयाँ मानिसहरूलाई विश्वास गर्न सकेनन् र त्यही भएर सुरूमा यो कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन चाहेनन् । तर सहजकर्ताहरूको प्रोत्साहनले गर्दा उनी सेसनमा सहभागी भए । सहज भएपछि उनले आÏनो कथा पनि सबैलाई सुनाए । सहजकर्ताहरूले सेसन भरि र सेसन पछि पनि उनको साथ छोडेनन् । सुरूमा उनको औँलाहरू एकदम काम्थ्यो र उनको सिलाईहरू स्पष्ट पनि थिएन । तर सेसनको अन्त्य सम्म आइपुग्दा उनले आÏनो कथाको रुमाल स्पष्टका साथ बनाए र उनी विश्वस्त भएर निस्के ।