Life is ups and down; me and my daughter (जीवनको उकालो र आरालो, म र मेरो छोरी)

The participant is the survivor of domestic violence and had been living in shelter home. Due to various forms of trauma she have gone through, it was difficult for her to trust people, she didn’t want to participate in the sessions. But after the encouragement from the facilitator, she participated and shared her experiences. Doll making exercise helped her to express her feelings. By the end of the 14th session, she felt some positive changes within herself.

यो सहभागी घरेलु हिंसाका पिडीत भएर बाँचेकी हुन् र उनी पछिल्लो समय आश्रय गृहमा बसिरहेकी छिन् । उनी विभिन्न आघातबाट गुज्रिसकेकी छिन्, उनी मानिसहरूलाई सजिलैसँग विश्वास गर्न सक्नुहुन्न, उनी साझा धागोको कार्यव्रmममा सहभागी हुन चाहेको थिइन । तर सहजकर्ताहरूले हौसला दिएपछि उनी पनि सहभागी भइन् र आÏना भावनाहरू व्यक्त गरिन् । पुतली बनाउने कार्यव्रmम पछि उनले आÏनो भावनाहरू सबै व्यक्त गरिन् । यो कार्यव्रmमको अन्त्यमा आइपुग्दा उनले आफूमा सकारात्मक परिवर्तनहरू पाए ।