Coming Together to Heal.

Completed Projects

Sajha Dhago (November 2022-May 2023)

To address the mental health and psychological needs of the survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (marginalized widow, victims of domestic violence and sexually exploited teens), as well as persecuted members of LGBTIQ+ community, Sajha Dhago implemented Sajha Dhago intervention in collaboration with Common Threads Project, USA in different places of Kathmandu Valley. Sajha Dhago utilizes the widespread cultural practices of creating the story cloth that allows for the expression of “unspeakable experiences”. Throughout this project, Sajha Dhago has led 6 circles; 14 sessions were completed in each circle. In total, 103 individuals attended these sessions; 89 of them were women, while remaining 14 were individuals belonging to LGBTIQ+ community. Additionally, a TOT (Training of Trainers) with 14 participants and advanced course with 12 participants were conducted; as a whole two intensive clinical training courses were conducted, where the cohort of trainees included former program participants who are now becoming facilitators themselves. The Sajha Dhago intervention was found to be effective in assisting the participants in letting go of their trauma; the impact extended not only to the participants of each circle, but their families and communities as well.